
December 2021 Update.........

Woo hoo! Love this photo of Triana.


Last year we were very worried about Triana after the vet came to do a checkup. Triana has many melanomas in locations with good blood supplies to them. The melanomas have spread and become larger as time has passed. We discussed treatment with the vet, but because she has internal melanomas too which affect her hormones we decided on the vets´advice that as long as she was pain free and happy then it was best to leave things alone.


Triana has had a great year, we have managed to keep her weight down and she is much more active. She is clearly feeling better in her body because she is keen to move, this had had a positive effect on her outlook on life too. She is always willing to be worked with and loves brain games and connecting with sensitive people who strive to understand her.


She is a non ridden equine, and because of her health issues we will not be re-backing her. Instead she is enjoying life on her terms like Pegaso. We are committed to them both as non ridden horses for the rest of their lives. They have so much to give and as teachers they are incredible. We are so lucky to have them helping us promote how wonderful  non-ridden horses are.

Read More About Triana........

Birthday: May 15, 2009

Before Triana came to us she had problems with other horses. This is because she had been very food deprived when she had a foal at foot and had to defend her food from other horses so that she could eat enough to produce milk for her foal. This meant that Triana had become dangerous not only becoming aggressive with other horses but also humans and she was no longer able to be turned out with a herd.


Our system of managing the horses and giving them the ability to roam our land and forage always helps to create a relaxed herd.  This was particularly helpful in Traina's rehabilitation into the herd.


She is now much softer and feels secure within our herd and enjoys roaming with the other horses in the olive groves. Triana loves her training almost as much as we love her.



When Triana arrived she wasn't very aware of where she was placing her feet or how high she was stepping over objects - her body awareness wasn't great.


Using ground poles working with her at liberty has enabled her to become more body aware. 


Working at liberty has meant that she has been able to figure things out for herself.


In the photo she is being guided over the poles using a hand held target which she has been trained to follow. Using targets gives the horses clarity about where we would like them to stand, walk etc. Cues are very clear which Triana finds essential to training sessions. If she is unsure of what is being asked she will disengage and walk off. Giving her this ability to choose to leave the session has made her much calmer and less likely to explode.


As Triana became softer and calmer we started to work at the mounting block.


In the beginning she didn't really like scratches, but as she developed wither scratches became a favourite.


We started hanging out at the mounting block not asking anything and concentrating on soft, relaxation.


The mounting block becomes a favourite place where good things happen.



Triana and Pegaso have made quite a close bond and although she and Leo are friends she much prefers to mutual groom with Pegaso.


Triana has become a superstar with her feet and is a regular demonstration horse on our Hoof Trimming for Horse Owner Courses.


She is very relaxed to have strangers handle her feet, which is big progress for her - she used to get very impatient and didn't like to stand still.


The body awareness work has helped her become more balanced and happier to stand on 3 legs.

Triana's Gymnastic Ground Work

In April 2018 Hannah Weston came out to run a 4 day Gymnastic Ground Work Course.


The affect on Triana's body was amazing, at the start of the week she was quite stiff in her quarters which can be normal for her as she is unbalanced in her body with a weak hind end. As the week progressed she became much more relaxed in her body and her movements became much more fluid. As a consequence of this she was much softer in her personality as her body was more supple and flexible, overall a much happier horse in mind and body.


As a result of this we have kept up with her gymnastic training, developing the exercises very slowly making sure that Triana can stay relaxed and happy.